EBE Group : Our customers

Universitat de Barcelona

The University of Barcelona is the most formidable public institution of higher education in Catalonia, catering to the needs of the greatest number of students and delivering the broadest and most comprehensive offering in higher educational courses. The UB is also the principal centre of university research at a state level and has become a European benchmark for research activity, both in terms of the number of research programs it conducts and the excellence these have achieved. Its own history closely tied to the history of Barcelona and of Catalonia, our university combines the values of tradition with its position as an institution dedicated to innovation and teaching excellence: a university that is as urban, outward-looking and cosmopolitan as the city from which it takes its name.

Ebe Group
Cardenal Reig, 17 Bajos
08028 Barcelona (Spain)
[+34] 93 448 72 00

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