At fulfillment of what establishes at the what foresees at the GENERAL REGULATION OF PROTECTION OF DATA (EU) 2016/679 OF the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT And OF the COUNCIL of April 27, 2016 (onwards, "*RGPD"), *EBEGROUP informs it that the data of personal character that provide us through our website, as well as the data at which *EBEGROUP access as a consequence of his navigation, query, or application realised through the website of *EBEGROUP, will be collected at files the manager of which is *EBEGROUP and collected with the numbers at the Agency of Protection of Data.
You will be able to exert his royalties of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition at the treatment of his personal data, at the terms and conditions foreseen at the own *LOPD, and for his main comfort, *EBEGROUP offers him the possibility to exert the before referred royalties by means of the following address of e-mail:, signifying the motive (modification, cancellation, etc.) at the affair.
We pray him communicate us of immediate form at *EBEGROUP, any modification of his data so that the information collected in the files of *EBEGROUP was at all times updated and do not contain errors. Likewise, with the acceptance of the present, You recognises that the information and the data facilitated at *EBEGROUP are exact and truthful.
The no emplenament or the emplenament partial of the data of personal character solicited at any electronic form could suppose that *EBEGROUP could not attend his application.
The data of personal character that You provide at *EBEGROUP will treat with the purpose to loan him the services that You could solicit, in particular, the services loaned through the present website of *EBEGROUP, as well as inform it on products and services, and, in general information of commercial character that could result of his interest, so much for part of *EBEGROUP directly how of his "*partners" and/or commercial partners, giving consent exprés at the session of the data facilitated at the contributors accredited of *EBEGROUP.
*EBEGROUP Informs it that has implanted the measures of security of technical and organisational type necessary that guarantee the security of his data of personal character and eschew his alteration, loss, treatment and/or unauthorized access, taking into account of the state of the tech, the nature of the data stored and the risks at the fact that are exposed, already come from of the human action or of the physical or natural medium. Continuum this in compliance with what foresees at the article 9 *LOPD and at the Real decree 994/1999, of 11 of June, for which approves the Regulation of measures of security of the files automated that they contain data of personal character.
Confidentiality and Protection of Data
At effect of what foresees at *RGPD of April 27, 2016, EBE *GROUP informs the User of the existence of a treatment automated of data of personal character created by and for EBE *GROUP and under his responsibility, with the purpose to realise the maintenance and management of the relation with the User, as well as the labors of information. At the moment of the acceptance of the present general conditions, EBE *GROUP will require of the User the collection of some indispensable data for the provision of his services.
Registry of files and forms
The emplenament of the form of registry is obligatory to access and enjoy of determinate services offered at the web. The not facilitating the personal data solicited or the not accepting the political present of protection of data supposes the impossibility to subscribe , register or take part at any one of the promotions at which solicit data personal character
At effect of what foresees at *RGPD of April 27, 2016, inform it that the personal data that obtain as a consequence of his registry as a User, will be incorporated at a file EBE's titularity *GROUP with C.And.F 38860679V and fiscal domicile at AVENUE CARLES III, 84 1r 2n, 08028, BARCELONA, having implemented the measures of security established at the Real decree 1720/2007, of 11 of June.
Accuracy and veracity of the data facilitated
The User is the only manager of the veracity and correction of the data included, exonerating EBE *GROUP of any responsibility on this motif. The users guarantee and respond, in any case, of the accuracy, force and authenticity of the personal data facilitated, and engage at maintaining them duly updated. The user accepts to provide complete and correct information at the form of registry or subscription. EBE *GROUP does not respond of the veracity of the informations that are not of own elaboration and of which signify another font, thus neither assumes any responsibility regarding hypothetical damages that could originate for the use of this information. EBE *GROUP reserves the right at updating, modify or delete the information contained at his websites being able to even limit or not permitting the access at this information. It exonerates at EBE *GROUP of responsibility in front of any harm or damage that could suffer the User as a consequence of errors, defects or omissions, at the information facilitated by EBE *GROUP always that it proceed of extraneous fonts at EBE *GROUP.
Protection of data of personal character
*EBEGROUP is the responsible entity of the file of data generated with the data of personal character supplied by the users of his website.
Of accord with the *RGPD of April 27, 2016 of Protection of Data of Personal Character, *EBEGROUP engages at the fulfillment of his obligation of secret with regard to the data of personal character and at having to treat them with confidentiality. At this effect, will adopt the necessary measures to eschew his alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.
The collection and treatment automated of the personal data has as a purpose the management, provision, extension and improvement of the services at the user, the management of the information supplied at applications of occupancy, at announcements of procedures of bidding and the follow-up of queries posed by the users.
The user will be able to exercise at all times the royalties of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, directing in writing by means of burofax, at *EBEGROUP, at *info [arrova] xavierpalacios.Like
With the purpose to improve the features of the website, *EBEGROUP reserves the right, anytime and without previous notification at the user, at modifying magnify or suspend temporally the presentation, configuration, technical specifications and services of the website, of unilateral form.
Likewise it reserves the right to modify anytime the present conditions of use as well as any one other particular conditions.
Exclusion of responsibility
*EBEGROUP does not hold responsible of the eventual errors tipogràfics, formal or numeric that can contain the website, or of the accuracy of the information contained at him.
Links at third
The links contained at the website of *EBEGROUP can direct at websites of third. *EBEGROUP Does not assume any responsibility for the content, informations or services that could appear at these places, that will exclusively informative character and that at any case imply any relation among *EBEGROUP and the persons or entities titulars of such contents or titulars of the places where find
Links since other webs
The users and in general any physical or juridical person that propose establish a link among his websites and the web of *EBEGROUP, any one of his canals, will be able to do it without that it require previous authorization in writing for part of *EBEGROUP and always that it respect the structure of the part of the web of *EBEGROUP where link. It will not be able to reproduce contents of the web of *EBEGROUP in his web, without authorization written of *EBEGROUP.
Establish a link does not imply at any case the existence of relations among *EBEGROUP and the owner of the website at which establish , or the acceptance and approval for part of *EBEGROUP of his services and contents.
Classes of Data collected
Among the classes of Personal Data that this App collects, already was directly or through third, find : Cookie, Data of Use and address of e-mail.
The complete information referent at each category of personal Data that collect provides at the sections of the Political present of Privacy devoted at such fine or by means of specific explanatory texts that show before the collection of these Data.
The Personal Data will be able to being provided loosely for the User or, at case of the Data of Use, will be collected automatically when you employ this App.
All the Data solicited by this App are obligatory and the refusal at providing them will be able to do that this App view at the impossibility to loan his services. At the cases at which this App signify specifically that some Data are not obligatory, the Users will be free of not communicating such Data without that this have any consequence on the availability or the operation of the service.
The Users that have doubts on which Data are obligatory can contact with *EBEGROUP.
The use of Cookies - or of other tools of follow-up - for part of this App or for the titulars of services of third utilised by this App has as a purpose the provision of the service solicited by the User, in addition to any one other purposes that describe at the present document and at the Politics of Cookies, at case to be available.
The User assumes the responsibility concerning the Personal Data of third that obtain , publish or share through this App and declares by the present that has the consent of said third to provide these Data at the Titular.
Modality and place of the Treatment of the Data collected
Modalities of Treatment
The Manager of Treatment will treat the Data of the Users of suitable way and will adopt the measures of appropriate security to impede the access, the revelation, alteration or unauthorized destruction of the Data.
The treatment of Data realises by means of computers and/or computer tools, tracking procedures and organisational modalities rigidly related with the purposes signalled. In addition to the Manager of Treatment, at some cases will be able to access at the true Data categories of persons commissioned related with the operation of the page (administration, sales, marketing, juridical department and of administration of systems) or external contractors that loan services at the Manager of Treatment (such like external suppliers of technical services, companies of mail, “*hosting *providers”, companies of computing, agencies of communication) that will be named by *EBEGROUP as a Attendants of the Treatment, if it was necessary. Will be able to solicit at the Manager of Treatment anytime a list updated of these persons.
The Data will be treated at the operative headquarters of the Manager of Treatment, as well as at other places at which find situated the parts that also are involved at this treatment. For more information, please pose at contact with the Manager of Treatment
Period of conservation
The Data will be treated during the necessary term to loan the service solicited by the User, or what require at function of the purposes described at this document, and the User will at all times the faculty to solicit the interruption of his Treatment or the cancellation of the Data.
Purpose of the Treatment of the Data collected
The relative Data at the User are collected to permit at the Titular the provision of his services, as well as for the following purposes: Statistics, Protection against *SPAM, Management of contacts and sending of messages and Registry and authentication.
The Personal Data utilised for each purpose are described at the specific sections of this document.
Information detailed of the treatment of the Personal Data
collect Personal Data for the following purposes and utilising the following services:
The services contained at this section permit at the Titular monitorar and analyse the trance web and can being utilised to track the behaviour of the User.
Google *Analytics (Google Inc.)
Google *Analytics is a service of analysis web loaned by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google utilises the Data collected to track and examine the use of this App, to prepare reports of his activities and share them with other services of Google.
Google can utilise the Data collected to contextualise and customise the adverts of his own mesh of advertising.
Personal data collected: Cookie and Data of Use.
Place of treatment: the Political – USA of privacy –*Opt Out
Protection Against *SPAM
This type of services analyse the trance of this App, that potentially contains Personal Data of the User, with the purpose to filter the trance, messages and content that recognises like *SPAM.
Google *reCAPTCHA (Google Inc.)
Google *reCAPTCHA is a service of protection against *SPAM loaned by Google Inc.
The use of *reCAPTCHA is subject at the politics of privacy and at the terms of use of Google.
Personal data collected: Cookie and Data of Use.
Place of treatment: the Political – USA of privacy
additional Information on the collection of Data and his treatment
juridical Defence
The Personal Data of the User will be able to being utilised for the juridical defence *dEBEGROUP at trial or at the phases prejudicials previous at some possible proceedings derived of the abusive use for part of the User of this App or of the services related.
The User is conscious that *EBEGROUP can being required by public authorities so as to reveal Personal Data.
Additional information on the Personal Data of the User
In addition to the informations contained at this politics of privacy, this App will be able to provide at the User relative contextual information at specific services or at the collection and treatment of the Personal Data.
*Log Of the system and maintenance
For relative motives at the operation and the maintenance, this App and any one other services of third that utilise will be able to collect a *Log of the system, this is, archives that register the interactions and that can contain Personal Data, such like the address IP of the User.
Information no contained at this politics of privacy
will be able to solicit anytime additional information on the collection and the treatment of the Personal Data at the Manager of Treatment. It Will find the information of contact at the onset of the present document
Exercise of the royalties for the Titulars of the Data
The titulars at which refer the Personal Data have right at obtaining anytime the confirmation that these have been stored by the Manager of Treatment, at meeting his content and origin, at verifying his accuracy or solicit that they are completed, cancelled, updated or rectified, at the fact that are *anonimizados or at the fact that blockade those Personal Data that are being treated at contravention of the laws, as well as at oposar- at his treatment for any legitimate motive. The applications will have to remit at the Manager of Treatment utilising the data of contact signified anteriorly.
This App does not permit applications “Gift *Not *Track”.
To determine if any one of the services of third that utilises accepts applications “Gift *Not *Track”, please read his politics of privacy.
Modification of this politics of privacy
The Manager of Treatment reserves the right to modify this politics of privacy anytime notifying it at the Users through this page. It recommends encaridament that they revise this page with frequency, taking as a reference the date of the last modification signified at the end. At the case that an User was at variance with any of the modifications realised at this Politics, the User will have to cease at the use of this App and will be able to solicit at the Manager of Treatment that delete his Personal Data. Trait that signify the opposite, the politics of valid privacy at each moment will be applicable at all the Personal Data that the Manager of Treatment have collected until then.
Information on this politics of privacy
Definitions and legal references
Personal Data (or Data)
Constitutes a personal data any relative information at a physical person, identified or identifiable, although it was indirectly, by means of reference at any one other information, inclusively at a number of personal identification.
Data of Use
The informations collected of automatic form for this App (or for services of third utilised by this App), that will be able to include: the addresses IP or names of command of the computers utilised by the User that connect at this App, the addresses *URI (*Uniform *Resource *Identifier), the hour of the application, the method utilised to realise the application at the server, the dimensions of the archive obtained in reply, the numeric code signifying the state of the response of the server (satisfactory result, error, etc…), the country of origin, the characteristics of the browser and of the operating system utilised by the visitor, the varied temporal coordinates of the visit (for example, the time of permanence at cadascuna of the pages) and the relative details at the itinerary tracked in the App, with special reference at the sequence of pages consulted, at the relative parameters at the operating system and at the computer surroundings of the User.
The individual that utilises this App, that has to coincide with *EBEGROUP of the Data or have been authorised by this and the Personal Data Of which are object of treatment.
Title of the Data
The physical or juridical person at which refer the Personal Data.
Attendant of the Treatment
The physical person, juridical, public administration or any one other institution, association or organisation authorised by the Manager of Treatment at treating the Personal Data in compliance with this politics of privacy
Responsible of Treatment (or Title)
The physical person, juridical, public administration or any one other institution, association or organisation with the faculty, even solidàriament with another Manager of Treatment, to take relative decisions at the purpose, the methods of treatment of the Personal Data and the modes utilised, including the measures of relative security at the operation and the use of this App. Trait that specify the opposite, the Manager of Treatment is *EBEGROUP of this App.
This App
The tool of hardware or software by means of which have collected the Personal Data of the User.
Petita unit of data stored at the device of the User.
Legal information
Notice at the European Users: the present declaration of privacy has been drafted at fulfillment of the planned obligations at the Art. 10 of the Director 95/46/CE, and of accord with the disposals of the Director 2002/58/CE, modified by the Director 2009/136/CE, at matter of Cookies.
This politics of privacy refers only at this App